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It becomes, in my opinion and precisely at the present time, inhuman that one undergoes in addition to the daily stress, the boredom !! Some will say that it is irrelevant, that there are moments that are necessarily boring and others that are less so! I agree ! But what about boredom in the workplace ?! Is not that counterproductive? Do we have to suffer just because we are paid? It’s even worse when working in a sector where boredom is likely to be viral and thus create total disinterestedness as in the case of teaching! Sometimes forcing students to do everything except to take the course, Yes … yes I’m talking to you! You were doing scraps all over the place while your Prof was giving himself thoroughly, or not !!
From « my boring course » to « the wonderful world of my course »
As with any incident, it is imperative to make a statement! What is difficult at this level is to realize that there was an incident. The teacher has concrete truths about the content of his course, but not on his form, so he must be aware of the immersion rate of his students in the global atmosphere during his sessions. For this, nothing is simpler than simply communicating with the students and especially listening to them, even if at first some will not dare to say that the course is a « killing » in the macabre sense of the term, it is the duty of The teacher to establish a dialogue based on trust and freedom to express oneself without using his authority.
The immersion
Once the observation is made, we will be able to act on the variables of boredom, it is little to be the teacher who is heavy, it may be the content of the course or its form of presentation. At this level, the imperative becomes to create or improve the immersion levers. This is to make changes not directly to the content of the course but to make it more soluble by the « Fun Factor ». Indeed, it is perfectly possible to gamify any content, whatever its nature, under the condition that the « Fun » part does not take over the main objective which is learning. The concrete solution at this level is to take back the materials of the course and to restructure them in such a way as to have for each session a « challenge » activity that stimulates the attention of the students, in sum, it is necessary to add playful elements to the courses in Integrating rules, ie the main objective, the tools that can be used, what is mandatory, what is prohibited, the time limits for execution, etc. For example, before distribution of the themes of presentations or other research, one can go through the creation of the working groups by choosing the members of each group randomly by drawing according to the criteria of the FIFA (each member is assigned a Country at random) and the hats are drawn. We can also imagine work done in the context of duels between groups, the same theme is proposed to two working groups, they will have to confront each other during the presentation using knowledge, know-how and to know to be and it is up to Other students evaluate the best work.
In search of « Flow »
The flow according to the psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi is the psychological state of a person totally immersed in the accomplishment of a task, something that is found among passionate people. It is also found in theories of Game Design as being the effect that causes a « driving game » according to Julian Alvarez.
When an individual experiences the flow experience, it is usually impacted by effects according to Jean Nakamura and Mihály Csíkszentmihályi :
1- The intense focus on the present moment
2- The perception of time is altered
3- The disappearance of the distance between the one who lives the Flow and the objects used.
4- The loss of self-consciousness
5- The feeling of absolute control caused by the balance between objectives and capacities
6- Activity is in itself a source of satisfaction.
How, then, to provoke this Flow among the learners ?! The answer may seem simple but its execution requires a preliminary modeling of the activities and several tests. In a concise manner, the « Flow » is provoked when the subject is faced with the realization of a challenge within its reach without it being easy to reach. Concretely, it is a matter of putting him in an experience where he must surpass himself to the point of making him a pride. In this case the teacher should review his exercises, they should not be too easy or too difficult, in the doubt, and depending on the level of the students, he can even create several exercises with flexible constraints that he will gradually harden. In Game Design jargon, this is called Level Design.
If you want to become a better teacher / trainer without going through the sometimes challenging task of educational engineering, I suggest some recommendations so that you never be part of the list of boring teachers by going through the simple task Of Human Engineering.
1- In your classes, be yourself, never use your authority unless it is an emergency.
2 – The ridicule still does not kill! Think of the general atmosphere of the course, it is important that the jovial atmosphere be there, at worst, be at least smiling.
3- Restructure your course and add individual and group activities. Transform each session into a terrain in which the learner is dynamic and has the opportunity to demonstrate all his know-how and creativity.
4- Use and encourage students to use other forms of communication and presentation. The use of another language, in addition to competition in content, work, the use of other presentation software like powtoon, prezi or other will develop a form competition.
5- Involve all your students in the activities of your course. One of the basic rules of gamification is « You will all particpate! ».
7- Gaming your courses gradually, resistance to change does not necessarily come from one side, students may not all adhere to it.
8- The more you are passionate about the transfer of knowledge, the more you will have to gamify your courses.
9- Do you remember the most boring teacher you had to listen ? Inspire yourself from him! Have a very good course content then, do exactly the opposite of what he was doing to you.